


欢迎来到e世博esball家族! The staff of Xavier Student Health Services works in partnership with your student to ensure access to a continuum of medical, mental health 和 wellness services that may be needed during their years at Xavier. 当你的学生过渡到大学生活, 有时对父母来说更困难, 通常在数英里之外, 而不是学生. 当你的学生生病时, we realize that you may be concerned about their ability to navigate healthcare, 而且这通常是他们第一次单独行动.

That is why Xavier University Student Health offers comprehensive care. 办公室访问是无限制的,不需要共同支付或保险. A nominal fee is assessed for certain services 和 procedures offered e.g. TB Skin tests, certain clinical procedures, 和 medical supplies. These fees can be paid at the time of the visit are billed directly to the student’s account 和 paid at a later date.

The SHS also works closely 和 collaborates with member departments of the 卫生中心 和 健康 who are also dedicated to the care 和 well-being of your student.

与健康有关的要求(免疫接种) & 医疗保险)

What are the immunizations required for my student to attend Xavier?

Xavier University of Louisiana is committed to providing our students a safe environment for learning.  To establish this environment the university follows the guidelines of the State of Louisiana, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 和 the American 大学 Health Association immunization requirements/recommendations for students entering institutions of higher learning. 为了达到这个目标, students will be required to submit Louisiana State required immunizations in order to register for classes.

The State of Louisiana requires each full-time or matriculating student born after December 31, 1956, to provide proof of adequate immunization or screening against measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹, 和 meningitis before permitting such student to enroll at the university. 去 免疫接种要求 了解更多. 然后去 了解更多 about recommended immunizations for college students 和 young adults.

Should my student enroll in the Xavier Student Health 保险 Plan (SHIP)?

For all students, good health is essential to achieving educational goals. Because maintaining good health requires access to health care when you need it, Xavier University of Louisiana Student Health 保险 is M和atory for all 本科 students.

All 本科 students are automatically enrolled in Xavier SHIP 和 the fee is assessed as a line item on your student’s fee bill. 如果你的学生打算继续在SHIP注册, there is nothing different you need to do – their coverage begins on August 16 和 continues until the following August. 访问 保险 了解更多有关该计划的信息. This is a conversation that should occur at least every year since a 豁免书必须每年提交一次.


学生 with insurance that provides coverage in the New Orleans area for both physician office visit as well as the emergency room may waive the University Student Health plan. This waiver requirement must be met each year during the Fall semester or in the Spring for students enrolling for the first time in January during the open waiver period. 访问 保险 公开豁免日期. 未能填写网上豁免表格@ will result in the student's automatic enrollment in the University Student Health plan 和 the premium charged to the student's account. 所有费用为最终费用.


Who will have access to my student’s health-related information?

We protect 和 maintain the privacy 和 confidentiality of all students – this means not sharing whether or not a student has visited Student Health Services 和/or the details of any visit(s) they may have had with us without their permission. Federal 和 state law provides safeguards for ensuring that your student’s health information is adequately protected. 话虽如此, it’s not uncommon for students to call a parent or family member mid-visit; we’re happy to discuss your student’s situation with you so long as your student has authorized the discussion – your student will need to fill out an “Authorization to Release Health 信息 “form to grant us permission to release any of their medical information to a third party. 去 保密 和 病人的权利 & 责任 以了解更多有关私隐实务的资料.



We underst和 how difficult it is to be away from your student when they leave for college. Some students feel a little lost without someone to give advice when they don’t feel well. 你可以做一些事情来帮助他们. Teach your student how to communicate how long they have been ill, 他们有什么症状, 如果他们发烧了, 如果他们在呕吐, 呼吸急促, 或者有其他明显的症状. 这将帮助你的学生迅速得到他们需要的照顾.


We suggest that your student brings a self-care/first-aid kit that contains:

  • A list of medications being taken on a regular basis 和 the conditions the medications are treating
  • A list of known or suspected allergies to medications, food, 和 environmental allergies
  • A copy of any health insurance cards for plans that cover them
  • 一个温度计
  • 创可贴(各种尺寸)
  • 4×4纱布垫
  • 聚酯“丝”胶带(Durapore)
  • First 援助 ointment, such as bacitracin or triple antibiotic ointment
  • 过氧化氢
  • Ibuprofen (Motrin) or Naproxen (Aleve) 和 Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
  • An over the counter allergy product that contains an antihistamine
  • 含有减充血剂的非处方感冒药
  • 抗腹泻药物,如洛哌丁胺(易莫停)
  • 一种非处方止咳药
  • 盐水鼻雾剂
  • 喉糖
  • 止咳药片
  • 抗酸咀嚼片(Tums)
  • 完美包装
  • 速溶冰袋
  • 微波炉热敷
  • 镊子
  • 防晒霜
  • 杀虫剂




St. 约瑟夫学术 & 卫生资源中心





P.O. 箱36
新奥尔良,LA 70125



